Amazon Seller

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Amazon is the most popular global online store which connects sellers and buyers on its platform which works on the B2C model. Anyone can become Amazon Seller who deals in manufacturing or retailing and wants to sell at Amazon. Jeff Bezos founds Amazon changes the way of shopping experience across the globe.

How to Become Amazon Seller?

To become an Amazon Seller, you need to visit which is the Amazon for sellers where you will fill in your email ID and phone number and click on “start selling”. Follow the online form and fill in the details to complete the registration process on Amazon.

Amazon Seller Services

  • Account Launch For Amazon
  • Amazon Product Listing And Cataloging
  • Amazon Account Management Services
  • Brand Store Page Amazon
  • Enhanced Brand Content For Amazon
  • Sponsored Ads For Amazon

Amazon Seller Registration Documents Required

  • GST Number
  • PAN Card
  • Address Proof
  • Letter of Authorizationtem
  • Trademark Certificate
  • Digital Signature with Company stamp
  • Canceled Cheque
  • A Current account in a bank