Snapdeal Seller

Snapdeal is one of the top E-Commerce stores which connects sellers and buyers on its platform which works on the B2C model. Anyone can become Snapdeal Seller who is in manufacturing or retail in any category.

Snapdeal logo

How to Become a Snapdeal Seller?

The very first and foremost thing prior to selling on Snapdeal is getting registered on Snapdeal. All you need to do is fill out their simple seller registration form and start selling once the details entered are reviewed.

Snapdeal Seller Services

  • Account Launch For snapdeal
  • Snapdeal Product Listing Services
  • Account Management Service For Snapdeal
  • Snapdeal SPN Service Provider
  • Enhanced Brand Content For Snapdeal

Snapdeal Seller Registration Documents Required

  • GST Number
  • PAN Card
  • Address Proof
  • Letter of Authorizationtem
  • Trademark Certificate
  • Digital Signature with Company stamp
  • Canceled Cheque
  • A Current account in a bank